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The Botanist's Garden at Hunter Moon Homestead

I have dreamed of the day where I could gather up old friends and new ones, to celebrate each other and nurture our creative spirits, for a very long time. We will gather in the beautiful Palouse prairie on Hunter Moon Homestead to celebrate the abundance and beauty that surrounds us. We will gather botanical plant materials both native and cultivated, and use them in a variety of ways to explore and utilize our creative imagination. 

New Release: KATHAROS Ritual Incense

The theme for the new year, at least for the first 6 months or so, seems to be, SLOW DOWN. I’m trying, even though it’s not my nature. I am moving through my list of to do’s with a more centered awareness that it will all get done in due time. Having...

Heat, Love & Fire; early summer rituals

We asked our friend Ilsa Marie, an accomplished yoga and mindfulness instructor, to try out our newest 5 Element Essential Oil Blend for the Early Summer season. She shared with us her favorite ways to use this powerful blend to inspire your own uses. Enjoy!


Years ago, as I was formulating products for EAA, I was very drawn to using hydrosols in place of water, but I really had no idea, at the time, just how powerful they are as agents of healing. I wanted to have a direct experience of making the hydrosols myself,...

Winter Rituals For Health & Renewal

It can be challenging for many to maintain health and energy levels in the winter months. I would love to share with you some of the ways that I find balance in the stillness and darkness of winter, and rituals I incorporate in my winter wellness practices to support my...

Living In Harmony

While ornamental gardens offer their unique pleasures, I truly missed growing plants that I could use more medicinally, and for nourishing my family. I wanted to be able to provide all of the botanical components that we were using in Essential Apothecary Alchemist products. I loved Seattle, but after over...

What You're Really Paying For In 'Luxury' Skincare

If you make a salad full of fresh, organic vegetables, and then you dress it with a dressing made of petroleum, aluminum, and denatured alcohol, would you consider the salad healthy for you?

Esoteric Alchemy

The ultimate task of the alchemist is to uncover the mysteries within. To fix the attention on what is Real and True, and rise above the limits of the physical, mental, and emotional consciousness, and leave the karmic wheel and become First Cause. Devotion through love transmutes the base consciousness...

2019: A Year Full Of Changes

I know I don’t need to tell you all how fast time flies by. 2019 has been a big year of change for EAA, and I want to fill all of you in on the details. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to have property on which I could...

Why Is Water Almost Always The First Ingredient?

Have you ever wondered why water is usually the first ingredient in your skin care, or body care, product. If water is not the first ingredient, it is almost always in the top 3. When most skin care lines have their products manufactured for them, these products are made in...

How Are You Feeding Your Skin?

I have always had an affinity to natural medicine and clean living. I raised my daughters on home remedies, and vibrational medicine practices. There was, however, a big disconnect when it came to the products I was putting on my skin.

The Alchemy Of Essential Oil Perfumes

Essential oils are profound plant medicines that interact in very complex ways with our human cells. Essential oils are complex harmonies that nature produces made up of many specific chemical molecules. Their highly potent constitution makes them powerfully attuned and they can behave as chemical messengers, capable of unlocking the receptor sites of cells...

My Daily Skin Care Regimen

The skin is our largest organ and is certainly reflective of the body’s overall vitality. The body will reflect its internal health in the external organ (skin). Good nutrition and hydration are essential to maintaining radiant and healthy skin tissue. If you have younger skin, taking care of your skin...

The Healing Properties Of EAA Essential Oil Perfumes

Essential oils are very profound substances. They are complex harmonies of hundreds or even thousands of different chemicals. Their highly potent constitution makes them powerfully attuned and they can behave as chemical messengers, capable of unlocking the receptor sites of cells, and, communicating with our cellular intelligence at the level...