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Heat, Love & Fire; early summer rituals

We asked our friend Ilsa Marie, an accomplished yoga and mindfulness instructor, to try out our newest 5 Element Essential Oil Blend for the Early Summer season. She shared with us her favorite ways to use this powerful blend to inspire your own uses. Enjoy!

Ritual Bath

This act of self love, this divinely expressing my deep gratitude for this body of mine, is definitely calling me home and reminding me how important these rituals are. Whether it’s a beautifully designed ritual bath or a simple foot soak in a gorgeous bowl, a moment of self love...

Setting Intention & Finding Wholeness; Introducing Phelicia Magnusson of Queen & Crow Healing Arts

I had a lot of exposure to [clinical herbalism] teachers that are very well know in Western herbalism, but no one was talking about that emotional component that I was feeling. They would mention it, but we didn’t explore it much. We were expected to learn and explore the clinical...

Winter Rituals For Health & Renewal

It can be challenging for many to maintain health and energy levels in the winter months. I would love to share with you some of the ways that I find balance in the stillness and darkness of winter, and rituals I incorporate in my winter wellness practices to support my...

New Year's Resolutions Be Damned

I would like to share my 3 very simple daily practices that have brought me a feeling of fulfillment and peace. Anyone can do them, and they are life and time enhancing rather than burdensome or shame filled if I miss a day. I do however rarely miss a day,...

Winter Water Wisdom

The season of winter in Chinese medicine is represented by the element of water. Winter energies are the most yin (cold, dark, slow, inward), and relate to rest, introspection, darkness, germination and fertility. Winter, of all the seasons, especially in ancient times, was the most challenging season to our survival.  If you find...

What You're Really Paying For In 'Luxury' Skincare

If you make a salad full of fresh, organic vegetables, and then you dress it with a dressing made of petroleum, aluminum, and denatured alcohol, would you consider the salad healthy for you?

Spring Cleaning Time

Each of our 5 seasons, also has an element, a time of day, an organ system, a color, a direction, a sound, a flavor, and even an odor. We are entering the Spring season and the element that rules spring is Wood. The organs related to the wood element are...

A Port In The Storm

In this challenging time, all of us here at EAA are keeping our thoughts in a loving and trusting place. We are all powerful creators, even with our thoughts, so take time to surrender your fears and worries over to the divine. This too shall pass. There are things you...

The Alchemy Of Essential Oil Perfumes

Essential oils are profound plant medicines that interact in very complex ways with our human cells. Essential oils are complex harmonies that nature produces made up of many specific chemical molecules. Their highly potent constitution makes them powerfully attuned and they can behave as chemical messengers, capable of unlocking the receptor sites of cells...